At Profectus, we believe in the freedom to explore. From individual modules to group programmes, find the perfect fit for you and your future.
The Profectus Pedagogy
We believe that learning starts with you. Engendering a culture of exploration, experience and empowerment, our modules aim to instill what you can do for yourself as well as for the people around you.
Discover new elements of your identity and of those around you.
Utilise the knowledge you've gleaned to interact with groups and communities.
Inspire others with fervour and develop a cause you believe in.
What we offer
Understanding the world starts with understanding yourself.
Introspecting, understanding personal values and beliefs
Harnessing personal strengths and weaknesses
Forge meaningful bonds with peers
Discovering the Self
Teams help you accomplish what you can never do alone.
Communication, conflict management and negotiation
Elevate team performance
Maximise team impact
Working in a Team
It’s time to put your newfound skills to the test!
Understanding needs of the community
Project ideation and management
Advocacy and persuasion